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Cell Death!

If you're looking for an uplifting read about the positive effects of the Sun then look elsewhere as this article is about the brutal truth on Sun damage!

We are now in the year of 2017, we have realised that our mothers' behaviour of lying on foil and oiling their bodies to a crisp wasn't the smartest move! Many ladies and gents have excessive sun damage, pigmentation and age spots now as a result. We all love a Luis Vuitton leather bag but we don't wish to look like one!

Now for some science, ready?

The suns rays are UV so let's focus on TWO types - A & B.

B stands for Burning. This affects our top and outer layer of the Epidermis (The skin we can see.)

A stands for Ageing. These rays penetrate our skin and kills our DNA and our fibroblasts (the home to our Collagen, Elastin and Hyaluronic Acid etc.)

Fun fact of the day - As we age, our body naturally loses 30% - 50% of our cell turnover (Reproduction of new and fresh cells.) Our fibroblasts contain all the goodness we need to help combat ageing. If you are concerned about ageing, you may already use a skin care regime containing Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen or SPF.

So lets think about the long term consequences next time you fancy a sun bed! Coming up next is an article on ~ Sun Protection ~ and how we can save our Fibroblasts!

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