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The Power Of Chemical Peels...

This entry is all about what to expect when you have a chemical peel treatment at Eternal Beauty Aesthetics. This will explain how we do the treatment, the after effects, the estimated down time and, of course, the after care.

It is important to announce that all clients who undertake this treatment plan will have a tailored skin journey plan just for you. You will have an included package of products which you must be using on your skin, before and after your sessions with us.

The Treatment

Before: Once greeted inside the clinic, you will be asked to fill out a consent form where medication, allergies and any other relevant information will need to be given. This is strictly confidential and stored io a private database. You will need to answer the questions honestly and give as much information as you can before signing the form and returning it to your therapist. She will then read through and go through any skin concerns and goals that you want to achieve together. Photographs will be taken before every session to track your progress. Your therapist will explain the treatment in thorough detail so you are aware and comfortable.

During: We start by removing makeup and double cleansing using a Calming Cleanser. We then protect the eyes, mouth and the sides of the nose before applying the chemical peel. This consists of alpha or beta Hydroxy Acids, (these are explained in more detail here), and when done in a series, these peels can moderately improve severe cases of acne. Our Glycolic chemical peels are used to soften the look of fine lines and wrinkles, even out skin texture and fade discolorations. We leave the chemical peel on your skin for the time suited to your skin, starting off with just TWO minutes. This shows the intensity of the treatment. We can then increase this every time you come back for another session. Once the time is up, we quickly remove the peel, apply neutraliser and an intelligent moisturiser. Once finished, you will enjoy a cooling glass of mint and lemon water.


These are often called "lunchtime peels" because you can get one done quickly over a lunch hour and return to work directly afterward, with your colleagues being none the wiser! Therefore, there is no downtime, no immediate blistering or peeling and no severe redness. The vital aftercare is to drink plenty of water, avoid makeup, apply a high SPF sunblock and you MUST stick to your tailored skin products given in your package by your therapist.

A few days after, you may find a gentle peeling of the skin, this is normal and will be explained by your therapist. Your skin will feel detoxed, contoured, firm and super tight. Your pores have had a deep clean too, so you'll have less congestion and an even colouring.

Enjoy your fresh, bright and lifted new skin!


-You may be wondering what the peel feels like. The best way to describe it would be that its similar to having a full head of hair colour treatment. If you've ever had one, you know that your scalp can get slightly itchy and warm! We want you to be as comfortable as possible, so constant brush strokes diminishes the itchiness and a small fan cools the skin down.

- If you're interested in having a package of chemical peels, please contact 07736547301 for more information or pricing.

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